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Olympic Flame Estonia
BestCredit Icon
SNEL Grupp OÜ osutab finantsteenuseid järgmistel aladel - väikelaen, käenduslaen, kinnisvaralaen ning laen mootorsõiduki tagatisel.Meie eelisteks on paindlikud võimalused laenutoote valimisel, soodne intress ja personaalne lähenemine igale kliendile.
+372 6789000 | View ProfileTallinn, Estonia
Kauri FinanceSponsor
Kauri Finance Icon
KAURI FINANCE: A Pioneer in Blockchain Financial ServicesRedefining the paradigms of traditional and cryptocurrency banking, KAURI FINANCE emerges as a leading-edge blockchain financial platform. The platform is specifically designed to facilitate the safe keeping, transfer, and investment of both fiat money and cryptocurrencies. Uniquely, KAURI FINANCE guarantees its users absolute control over their funds, a promise which delivers an unmatched level of security against potential fraud and hacking.The inception of KAURI FINANCE dates back to 2017, when founder Alex Pavlov introduced his groundbreaking idea of blockchain banks. Today, this innovative platform proudly serves over 30,000 clients, collaborates with more than 100 business partners, and holds prestigious Estonian licenses to operate as a financial institution and provide a virtual currency service.Major Accomplishments: 2017: KAURI FINANCE is born from founder Alex Pavlov's vision of transforming the global financial sector with blockchain banking. 2018: The platform's first development team is formed, crafting the initial code that would evolve into the backbone of all KAURI FINANCE projects. 2019: After navigating through initial challenges, KAURI FINANCE releases its first project in the Ukrainian market. 2020: Evolving from a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) into a robust business, KAURI FINANCE acquires its Estonian license to provide a virtual currency service. 2021: With t
View ProfileTallinn, Estonia
Bigbank Icon
Pakume tarbijatele väikelaenu, kodulaenu, autolaenu, ärilaenu, remondilaenu jpm. Tutvu meie laenutingimustega!
731 1333 | View ProfileTallinn, Estonia